About Books by Hippocampus
True. It’s what we do.
Hippocampus Magazine’s mission is to “entertain, educate, and engage readers and writers of creative nonfiction.” Our books division is an extension of that goal. We officially launched our press in the summer of 2016. And, like our online literary journal, Books by Hippocampus focuses exclusively on creative nonfiction.
What we do and why we do it.
Since its inception in 2010, Hippocampus sought to engage with its readers and build literary community, online and off. This grew year by year, step by step. In 2015, Hippocampus launched HippoCamp: A Conference for Creative Nonfiction Writers and, later, entered the realm of printed books, staring with an anthology celebrating our first five years.
We aim to publish compelling, thought-provoking works of creative nonfiction for all types of readers. We want to take a chance on books -- memoirs, essay collections, or other personal narratives -- that may not yet have found a home because they don't conform to "traditional" publishing standards, whether in topic, format, voice, or style. In addition to single-author books, we also publish the occasional anthology.
Like our magazine, Books by Hippocampus is an independent, self-sustaining literary organization.
TRUE. It’s what we do.
Bringing it all together.
In August 2021, we released our first craft anthology, which was inspired by our conference for creative nonfiction writers, HippoCamp. Publisher Donna Talarico envisioned bringing the conference to life in book form in order to share wisdom with those who could never make the events in person as well as to offer a way for presenters to explore their 60-minute sessions in more depth. And it just made sense to dive into a book project that embodied everything about the Hippocampus Magazine and greater creative nonfiction community. So she pinged magazine associate editor/flash editor Rae Pagliarulo about the brainstorm and, well, the rest is history. Getting the the Truth: The Craft and Practice of Creative Nonfiction is now in the world and it features 22 of the brightest minds in CNF.
Our booth at AWP 2021 in Philadelphia featured 10 titles! Pictured, L to R: Getting to the Truth co-editor Rae Pagliarulo, Hippocampus Magazine reader Abigail LaLonde, and Hippocampus Magazine’s essays editor Steph Auteri (holding her book, A Dirty Word, which was published by Cleis Press in 2018)
Note: Books by Hippocampus is on hiatus from submissions and acquiring/publishing new titles through August 2024.
Submissions Information
When we’re open for submissions, we’re enthusiastically looking for compelling work in the following categories of creative nonfiction:
Memoirs (including reported memoirs)
Essay collections
Hybrid/experimental CNF
Craft (of writing) books
Nonfiction for young readers
We also publish the occasional anthology, such as in our The Way Things Were series.
We will re-open for book proposals/queries in February 2025.
If you have something you think fits, you may query through Submittable us during our open submission periods (reopening in Feb. 2025).
Here's what we're looking for nuts & bolts/submission-process wise:
Memoirs - query, proposal + first three chapters
Essay collections - query, proposal + three representative essays
Craft books/nonfiction for young readers - query + proposal
Submissions not following these guidelines or that do not fall into a genre/style we publish will not be reviewed.
Response time: We'll try to respond to queries and proposals within six months.NOTE: During our early years, we plan to publish 1-2 single-author titles per year, which means the selection process is highly competitive
Publishing tips often include the (very logical) advice to consider a press/imprint's history to get an idea of its aesthetic. Books by Hippocampus is a young press, and we're aware that you don't have much history to look back on. What you will see, however, with our debut books, is that we believe in taking chances, in telling stories in ways that aren't the norm, in subject or style.
Still, to elaborate on the overarching categories listed above:For memoir, we're looking for character-driven books that highlight the human experience; we're looking for stories that haven't been told before, which could either mean a completely unique-to-you experience or an extremely fresh take on those common threads and themes that bind us together as humans.
For collections, we're especially interested in books that establish a connection between the grouping of essays -- this could be subtle as an underlying theme or clear as a linked, linear collection, or even a memoir-in-essays. (To answer a common question: up to 2/3 of a submitted collection may include previously published work.)
For nonfiction for young readers, we're looking for passionate subject matter experts who can make learning about important or fascinating topics enjoyable: a historic event, a public figure, an invention, etc. These books should be authoritative and well-researched yet written in an engaging, digestible way.
For hybrid or experimental CNF, well -- that's up to you. Experiment. Then show us.
Books by Hippocampus is open to all writers from the United States and beyond. We're especially interested in elevating voices from marginalized communities.
Especially because we're independent and in the early stages of our press, we're compelled to work with authors who understand the value and importance of personal branding and who are comfortable with (or open to) marketing and promoting their work. (For example, an up-to-date, user-friendly author website and an active social media presence is a plus, and if you do not have those things yet, it's OK: an openness to learning about establishing a digital presence is a good start!)
We're also looking to partner with compassionate and passionate authors who value literary citizenship and are active in their communities, writing-related or otherwise. Moreover, inclusivity is important to us, and we desire to work with writers of all backgrounds who share in our values of equity in the literary community. -
Books by Hippocampus wishes to establish lasting relationships with our authors, working together to bring new titles into the world -- and into the hands of readers.
Here are some details about what to expect from our small press:
Marketing Support: Our authors can expect some promotional support from our books division; we'll work with individual authors to build a custom marketing plan for each title. We are a small press, and marketing and promotion will be a team effort!
Production and Design: We will provide professional cover and interior book design, and will consult with the author on the look and feel of the book.
Royalties: Our authors will receive 20% of net sales.
Distribution: Itasca Books
Meet Our Team
We’re a small but mighty team of volunteers. While our primary responsibilities still lie with Hippocampus Magazine, as our press grows so does our team’s involvement with publishing creative nonfiction titles. Our publisher leads the day-to-day operations of the press, assisted by a shipping and operations manager to handle online sales. Our associate magazine editor serves as a special projects editor and consults on overall book efforts and strategy.
Donna Talarico
Brief bio coming soon.
Kevin Beerman
Brief bio coming soon.
Rae Pagliarulo
Brief bio coming soon.
Creative Partners:
Book Designers & Copy Editors
We’re visionaries and content wranglers, but we leave to design to professionals. Throughout our existence, we’ve teamed up with several brilliant artists and illustrators on a per-project basis. And we also enlist some eagle-eyed copy editors and proofreaders to help get our titles in tip-top shape before going to press. We hope you might consider them for your future book editing and design needs!
Tara Caimi
Bio coming soon. Worked on cover and book design for Selected Memories: Five Years of Hippocampus Magazine.
Rachel Dougherty
Bio coming soon. Cover and book design for Air, Dine, and Ink.
Lindsay Enochs
Bio coming soon. Worked on: By the Forces of Gravity (cover), Dig (cover), Doodling for Writers (cover), Main (cover)
Mark Melnick
Bio coming soon. Cover design for Getting to the Truth.
Dale Louise Mervine
Bio coming soon. Worked on nearly every Books by Hippocampus title.
Jocelyn Park
Bio coming soon. Worked on: By the Forces of Gravity (book design), Dig (book design), Doodling for Writers (book design)
The Magazine Team
Our volunteer magazine team comprises managing and section editors, reading panel members, and content creators/editors. Additionally, we accept work from various contributors for our articles, reviews, and interviews. Many magazine staff members also volunteer at live events such as AWP’s Book Fair and our own creative nonfiction conference.